Remzi Yilmaz 'familiar faces' performance
On April 27, 2024, after the meeting at Barın Han, you will have an unforgettable participatory experience at the exhibition space. Artist with Autism Remzi Yılmaz will reveal the vitality and limitlessness of art with his performance on the wall.
Are you ready to embark on a journey that nourishes our minds and souls? The exhibition "Familiar Faces" by Remzi Yılmaz, an artist with autism, met the audience with an exquisite opening recently and brought a breath of fresh air to the art world.
This extraordinary exhibition, which took place at Barın Han through the independent art platform maumau and will continue until May 4, draws attention not only with its art objects but also with the exhibition process itself. Caner Yedikardeş, one of the curators of the exhibition, and Meltem Yılmaz, Remzi Yılmaz's mother, are bringing you together as speakers to discuss the deeper meanings of the exhibition, focusing on all the processes related to the exhibition, and to share their experiences with OSB*.
We invite you to journey together in the limitless world of art.
Program Flow
02:00 PM - 02:15 PM : Opening Speech
maumau co-founder, writer Sine Ergün
02:15 PM- 03:00 PM : "Familiar Faces" Exhibition and Speech on OSB
Caner Yedikardeş, one of the curators of the exhibition, will give a talk titled "Remzi Yılmaz and His Story" on the formation process of the exhibition, its content and the art of Remzi Yılmaz, an artist with autism, and Meltem Yılmaz, Remzi Yılmaz's mother, will give a talk titled "Art and Behavioral Communication in Individuals with ASD".
03:00 PM - 03:15 PM : Coffee Break
03:15 PM - 04:00 PM : Performance by Remzi Yılmaz, Artist with Autism
Remzi Yılmaz's performance on the wall
04:00 PM - 04:30 PM: Question and Answer Session
*Autism spectrum disorder