
Remo is the sponsor of Remzi’s art. As a contemporary artist Remzi opens exhibitions around the world. 

Remo continues to produce and Remzi continues to create.

Autism = Human

"Is it possible to talk without talking?"

 You won't watch it, you will experience it!

Ankara x Oslo x Istanbul


Autism=Human opens the doors to a world, which is as far as we think and as close as we have never thought. While experiencing the exhibition, beside an artistic talent, the audience will face a style, formed by the complicated structure of autism, a unique formation of mysteries, which happens during the process of brain function and the expression of these. 

When Remo’s drawings and sculptures are examined carefully, these forms can be interpreted as inherent or mythical expressions. With the continuous excitement of expression with this narrative style and its application on his outstanding drawings and the ceramic forms, it is more than a possibility for him to make radical changes in the field of art. Categorically can be defined as “neuroart” Remo is not only in the agenda with his art works. The transformation of his name into a brand and the radical change and originality he gained by this is another important side of Remo.